COVID-19 UPDATE - 3rd March 2021

We will be operating at a limited capacity from 1st May 2021 under the UK Government’s Covid-19 roadmap out of lockdown 3.0 recovery strategy guidelines.

  • All bookings must be made in advance online via our ACTIO app – you are not permitted to attend without a booking.

  • Spectators are not permitted to attend, family members/guardians from the same household are permitted to accompany participants U18

  • Please do not come to Swim Lakeside if you are showing symptoms of Covid-19

  • DO NOT visit us if you are at an increased risk of severe illness from Covid-19 coronavirus. This group includes those who are:
    -aged 70 or older (regardless of medical conditions)
    -under 70 with an underlying health condition listed by the NHS
    -those who are pregnant

  • Please use the toilet before attending, a limited toilets will be open – if you do need to use a toilet here, you will be required to clean it before and after use

When visiting:

  • Observe the 2m rule at all times

  • Please arrive ready to go or have a changing poncho or towel suitable to use in an outdoor space to change

  • Check-in will be completed at the swim desk with your NOWCA wristband, not the watersports centre – the centre will be closed

  • Outdoor lockers are available for use, please bring your own small combination padlock. If any items are left, they will be disposed of and not retained in lost property

  • Good hand hygiene should always be observed, and you should bring your own hand sanitiser if possible

© Swim Lakeside 2020